A LAN short for Local Area Network is a network infrastructure that provides access to users and end devices in a small geographical area, which is typically an enterprise, home, or small business network owned and managed by an individual or IT department. Use the Web Browser to configure the HQ_Wireless router from Phil’s laptop.User admin with password Change the SSID from DefaultWIFI to HQwifi.Set the SSID to be viewable (broadcasted) to wireless clients.

Answers money for 8 3 1 2 packet tracer skills integration challenge answers and numerous book collections from fictions to scientific research in any way. Configure wireless security of WPA2 Personal with the passphrase of cisco321.In the middle of them is this 8 3 1 2 packet tracer skills integration challenge answers that can be your partner. Use the IP address of HQ_Router router located in the addressing table.Use the Command prompt to ssh to HQ_Router with the user phil and password securessh.Use the enable command and password cisco.Activate the Cisco IOS resilient configuration feature.Configure a banner motd message that includes the phrase Authorized Access Only.